Thursday, September 22, 2016

Spend Time Making Memories, Not Meals

Moms know all about crazy, busy schedules. It's a balancing act juggling all the demands of motherhood. It's especially challenging when you are a single parent. I was a single parent for a few years of three children. I learned during this time how to minimize the daily duties so I could focus on making memories with my children. One of the things I mastered was learning to make good, quick meals on a low budget. I valued time with my kids at the dinner table but didn't want to spend a long time preparing those meals.

I believe sharing a meal with your family is important to stay connected. I would like to share some of my favorite meals with you. These meals were not only quick, easy and cheap to make but my kids still enjoy them even now that they're adults. We had a lot of good conversations at the dinner table. I hope these meals help you find the same with your family. After all, our children are only young for a short time. Don't spend all your time making meals when you could be making memories.

I invite anyone that has quick, easy, inexpensive meals to share their recipes on this sight. There are all kinds of sites that provide great meals that can be made on a tight budget in a short amount of time. Feel free to check them out for more great ideas.


  1. I do not have a family of my own, but I still live at home with my parents. And even in our house that consists of my parents, sister (17 years old) and I (22 years old) we still struggle to get together to share a meal 3 days out of the week. I totally agree with you on the importance of family time spent at the end of the day. This time serves as a relaxing time to calm down and talk about your day. It is very hard to do this when your also trying to cook a meal with out burning anything. Easy quick meals are super helpful in our house. I hope to see many recipes on this blog to share with my family.

  2. I'm excited to read more of your posts! I just recently moved out of my house and am missing having family dinners. It's challenging for me to find recipes that I like that are also inexpensive. I'm glad to see that your recipes will be quick to make. I am hoping to start cooking more but I can never find the time. I'm looking forward to finding some cheap recipes on your blog that can give me the illusion of being with family!

  3. I can't wait to see some of these recipes!! Im interested to hear just how much preparation is involved with these recipes. I also want to see how much it cost to make these meals and how many people they will feed. I love eating new things and this blog sounds like it is going to be a great one!

  4. Hi Amy. I am neither a mom, nor a woman. Yet, I could definitely benefit from recipes for easy and cheap meals. I am 28 years old and have never been much of a cook. I am single and have gone months at a time eating turkey and cheese sandwiches. While there are certainly occasions when elaborate meals are appropriate, I also agree with you that fast and simple meals are sometimes best.
